Know what your company knows, instantly

Enable your employees to spend time taking critical decisions and driving business growth.
AI powered workplace search that connects with all your workplace apps.
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Generates AI responses anchored in your business context to surface information when and how employees need it

AI powered workplace search

Extract from 300+ data sources, train privately, and use it anywhere

Clio empowers every team with
exec-level knowledge

Great companies are built on knowledge and expertise of their teams.
Clio AI creates a new knowledge model for every company making that expertise instantly available to everyone in the company.
Clio AI model schematic

"An average knowledge worker spends half a day just reading emails and searching for information"
- McKinsey

AI powered search and summarization can boost individual productivity by > 50%.
Less time searching for contextual information
Hours saved per employee every year

Unblock teams that support growth, get work done, 10x faster

Get those proposals out in minutes not hours, finalize the product specs in hours not days, execute and power your decisions with the help of AI

Search with meaning and context quickly

Clio surfaces the right documents and information for employees, making searches super effective. It ensures employees are aware of others' work and can build upon insights rather than duplicating their work.
AI decide which data is important

Finding the right info with accurate content

Clio AI is grounded in your company data - your people, your knowledge, and connections - and personalizes the results for every employee.  It learns continuously from interactions, improving the results automatically, with no finetuning needed.
Use custom models fit

Get all your teams on the same page

Clio is continuously trained as your team keeps adding new business data, and it also learns based on feedback from outputs. That is, the model evolves as a single source of truth as more teams adopt it.
Access output everywhere

Build your knowledge model right away

Supercharge your company's productivity by harnessing the massive reservoir of untapped data and insights.
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Simple that it just works, scales with the needs of an enterprise

Getting started with Clio is simple for all kinds of teams. We abstract the complexity so that process is fast, simple, and efficient for you. No technical, data science resources or bandwidth needed.

Close more customers

From generating highly personalized sales memos to surfacing the right information on sales call, Clio helps sales teams all the way from prospect research to closing those customers.
AI model hosting

Detailed specs, use cases, unit tests, all done quickly

With added context and power of AI + Github Copilot*, your product and tech teams will deliver complex products in record times.
Architected to protect team and individal data

AI powered campaigns, insights, and workflows

With Clio AI, teams generate targeted marketing collaterals, create campaigns 10x faster, and focus on the key ideas and insights while the AI takes care of the workflows.
Reduced costs with AI

Harnessing Collective Knowledge

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management deployed their own model harnessing the knowledge and insights, housed across many internal sites, mainly in PDF format. They used GPT4 and OpenAI to do it. Some select quotes from the story. Full article here
“You essentially have the knowledge of the most knowledgeable person in Wealth Management—instantly. Think of it as having our Chief Investment Strategist, Chief Global Economist, Global Equities Strategist, and every other analyst around the globe on call for every advisor, every day. We believe that is a transformative capability for our company.”
Jeff McMillan, Head of Analytics, Data & Innovation
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
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"Key to ensuring good client service is our ability to invest at scale in technology. (OpenAI) is empowering Morgan Stanley with the marriage of human advice and technology—something to which we are completely committed. This endeavor has been particularly rewarding. The buy-in and engagement across the organization has been impressive."
Jeff McMillan, Head of Analytics, Data & Innovation
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
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"Today, more than 200 employees are querying the system on a daily basis and providing feedback. The focus will always be on getting advisors the insight they need, in the format they need, instantly. The effort will also further enrich the relationship between Morgan Stanley advisors and their clients by enabling them to assist more people more quickly."
Jeff McMillan
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
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Build your own knowledge model like Morgan Stanley

Clio AI enables you to harness the powers of your own business data, and build your own knowledge model, with lower resources and double quick time.
Get a demo to find out how.
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Works with your most used tools

Connect your tools, connect your teams. With over 300 apps already available in our directory, your team’s favourite tools are just a click away.
Integration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration iconIntegration icon

Private, Secure and Compliant by design

Clio AI is built on foundations of keeping you company data private, secure, and compliant from day one. Built by an experienced team, we understand the constraints and enforce them rigorously

Private Cloud Deployment

We can deploy models on your premises or your private cloud directly. That is, not even a single byte of data is shared with a third party.

Encrypted Models

All the models we deploy and APIs we expose are SHA256 encrypted (like WhatsApp/Signal) making any back and forth of data as secure as possible

SSO + Admin Controls

Authenticating with your company Sign on gives rigorous controls on who can access what data.

Indexing Controls

Clio can build individual or team specific knowledge graphs. You control what data is indexed and available for which team. Right out of the box.

Save time, boost revenue, do more


less time on finding information


Hours saved per employee per year


Faster Decisions

Workplace Search that actually works

Supercharge your company's productivity by harnessing the massive reservoir of untapped data and insights.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Clio works with you every step of the way to enable free flow of knowledge across the organization.

Have more questions?

You can connect with us on email. Just send your queries to and we would respond as quickly as possible.
Contact Us
What do you do exactly? In simple terms

AI Powered LLMs are trained on large but limited corpus of data. We connect LLMs to your business data in a secure, compliant and privacy preserving way.
This way the answers it generates are anchored in your business knowledge - content across all your apps - and are combined with working context - eg: in a client meeting - and deliver accurate, contextual, and relevant responses.

How does it work exactly?

We bring in content from all tools your employees use, train a model to build a unique knowledge graph on top of that, and then use that knowledge graph combined with GPT4 (or other requested LLMs) to deliver more accurate, contextual, and relevant responses.

What apps can it work with?

It works with all kinds of apps. Your Google Docs or Office docs, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, Notion, PDFs, Postgres, our pipelines can extract data from anywhere (with your permission) and then use it to train the knowledge model.

I keep reading knowledge model or knowledge graph. Exactly what is it?

Just like GPT is trained on corpus of publicly available data which enables it to deliver useful responses, your knowledge model is like a company-specific GPT trained on your org's data. More vertical, more proprietary, and private data. With knowledge graph, the data never leaves your organization, and can capture the collective knowledge that ChatGPT/GPT4 does not have context about.

Can I deploy it on my own private cloud servers or premises?

Yes, we enable deployment on your own premises. This can further reduce the costs and ensure that your data and secrets literally do not leave your premises. You can just tell us your preferences while getting a demo if you would prefer a private cloud or on premise deployment.

How much is the pricing?

Given the range of services we offer, it's hard to quote an exact price before understanding the requirements. If you are curious, we can talk about it when we give you a demo. You should sign up for one.

Is the model trained only at the start?

No. The model is continuously trained as and when your team creates more documents. We fetch data at fixed intervals and use that to train the model continuously so that it gives accurate responses at all times.

Can I have a knowledge model for an individual/team as well along with whole org?

Clio AI is capable of training separate models for individuals and teams as well. We see the need and understand how some data has to be kept accessible to certain teams. We will be happy to assist you if you need this kind of tenancy.

Can it integrate with all my existing apps?

Yes, our output is an API endpoint which you can use to send data and receive responses. We provide a chat app on top of that. If you need to integrate specific apps, you can do so easily via the same endpoint.