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RLHF for Large Language Models

Enabling enterprises to setup custom RLHF pipelines for their proprietary models to help with alignment, enhance safety and reliability, and provide a competitive advantage.
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RLHF aligns large language models with human preferences.

Clio AI provides a custom RLHF pipeline for your proprietary model, ensuring your model always understands your preferences and grounded in your org's data.

Teaching LLMs new Knowledge Domains

Typically, LLMs are trained on publicly available knowledge, meaning they would be very good at generic tasks but suck at understanding your core business.
At Clio AI, we build a capable Llama 2 that understands your knowledge domain, your business, and can add value without excessive prompt engg or finetuning
Clio AI model schematic

"An average knowledge worker spends half a day just reading emails and searching for information"
- McKinsey

AI powered search and summarization can boost individual productivity by > 50%.
Less time searching for contextual information
Hours saved per employee every year

Tailored RLHF Solutions

Our team of experts crafts custom RLHF pipelines that seamlessly integrate with your enterprise's unique requirements, ensuring optimal alignment and grounding.

Bespoke AI Alignment

Our RLHF pipelines are built understanding your org's operational context, thus ensuring your models are always perfectly aligned with your truth.

Robust Grounding

Post RLHF, your proprietary models are firmly grounded in your enterprise data, process, and domain knowledge. Eliminate surprises and unreliable outputs.

Streamlined Deployment

Our plug and play solution can work on your model in your premises, ensuring and smooth and efficient integration with no hiccups.
Credit card mockups

Tailored for your AI needs

Whether you have an in-house model or have fine-tuned an open-source solution, our RLHF services are designed to cater to your unique requirements

Phone - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

In house model Optimization

Deploy a responsible and trustworthy solution that is firmly grounded in your data and processes.

Desktop - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Scalable Solutions

As your needs evolve, the RLHF pipeline can scale to accommodate your growing requirements and keep you at the forefront of the industry.

Users - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Compliance Needs

For high compliance requirements, a model has to be customized specifically and updated periodically.

Gear - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Multiple business apps and databases

Clio AI connects with 300+ apps and can set up continuous learning based on updates from each app.

Reports - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Ongoing support

We partner with you through the entire lifecycle providing support and optimization to ensure your models remain aligned over time.

Password - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Data Protections

With granular permissions, Clio AI ensures that no data leakages happen within the org/teams.

Build your knowledge model right away

Supercharge your company's productivity by harnessing the massive reservoir of untapped data and insights.
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A digital brain for every company

Accessing the proprietary knowedge and institutional memory buried deep in files would teams get that jump in productivity as it works for ChatGPT and generic tasks like Marketing copy generation.

Cost Comparison - Open AI vs Llama 2

Saving Costs

With Open AI, they say training a model will cost $2M-$3M at the minimum. Plus compute costs.
With Clio AI, we pretrain an open source model and you can lower the costs by about 90%.

It takes about 2-3 months for a custom model to go live.

Highly Skilled Team

Clio AI's CTO has deployed Machine Learning Models at a similar scale at Tokopedia in his previous life.

We have experience in taking a instruction following LLAMA-2 from pretraining to a RLHF level (ChatGPT) that can continuously learn from human feedback.

Clio AI Compliance Solutions

High Control and Repeatablity

We understand what it takes to deploy a large scale model for enterprises.
You can set custom policies, control access, and do a number of other stuff depending on regulatory and compliance needs.

Harnessing Collective Knowledge

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management deployed their own model harnessing the knowledge and insights, housed across many internal sites, mainly in PDF format. They used GPT4 and OpenAI to do it. Some select quotes from the story. Full article here
“You essentially have the knowledge of the most knowledgeable person in Wealth Management—instantly. Think of it as having our Chief Investment Strategist, Chief Global Economist, Global Equities Strategist, and every other analyst around the globe on call for every advisor, every day. We believe that is a transformative capability for our company.”
Jeff McMillan, Head of Analytics, Data & Innovation
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
company logo
"Key to ensuring good client service is our ability to invest at scale in technology. (OpenAI) is empowering Morgan Stanley with the marriage of human advice and technology—something to which we are completely committed. This endeavor has been particularly rewarding. The buy-in and engagement across the organization has been impressive."
Jeff McMillan, Head of Analytics, Data & Innovation
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
company logo
"Today, more than 200 employees are querying the system on a daily basis and providing feedback. The focus will always be on getting advisors the insight they need, in the format they need, instantly. The effort will also further enrich the relationship between Morgan Stanley advisors and their clients by enabling them to assist more people more quickly."
Jeff McMillan
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
company logo

Build your own custom RLHF pipeline

Clio AI enables you to harness the powers of your own business data, and build your own knowledge model, with lower resources and double quick time.
Get a demo to find out how.
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Save time, boost revenue, do more


less time on finding information


Hours saved per employee per year


Faster Decisions

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Gen AI tailored to your specific needs

Supercharge your company's productivity by harnessing the massive reservoir of untapped data and insights.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Clio works with you every step of the way to enable free flow of knowledge across the organization.

Have more questions?

You can connect with us on email. Just send your queries to ankit@clioapp.ai and we would respond as quickly as possible.
Contact Us
What is a custom model? Explain in simple terms

We build and train a Gen AI model like GPT 4 or Llama-2-chat. Instead of being trained on generic data, we train Llama-2 foundational model on your company data so that it accurately answers questions about your business without having to build RAG or finetuning mechanisms.

Okay, how does it work exactly?

Your company has three sources of data - employee interactions, reports/memos, and databases. We combine all of it, train a model pretaining with your data, build an RLHF pipeline and everything else to get you a best in class gen AI model that understands everything about your business.

Why can't I just finetune existing models?

Finetuning works when the data is small(~50K tokens) and you want to teach the model specific patterns. You cannot teach a model a new knowledge domain by using Finetuning no matter what the model is.

Why can't I just use Retrieval (RAG)?

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) works when the context is small enough to fit inside a 8k token prompt. It's accuracy decreases with more and more data and would not work that well when the number of tokens are huge.

Can I deploy it on my own private cloud servers or premises?

Yes, we enable deployment on your own premises. This can further reduce the costs and ensure that your data and secrets literally do not leave your premises. You can just tell us your preferences while getting a demo if you would prefer a private cloud or on premise deployment.

How much is the pricing?

While Open AI starts at $2M-$3M minimum for this kind of thing, we would do it at a fraction of the cost. You can expect about 90% cost reduction using Clio AI rather than Open AI

Is the model trained only at the start?

No. While the model is trained once, and would need to be every few years, we also build a poweful Reinforcement Learning and Human Feedback Pipeline (RLHF) which can keep the model updated and gives out better answers based on previous human feedback.

Can I have a knowledge model for an individual/team as well along with whole org?

Clio AI is capable of training separate models for individuals and teams as well. We see the need and understand how some data has to be kept accessible to certain teams. We will be happy to assist you if you need this kind of tenancy.

Can it integrate with all my existing apps?

Yes, our output is an API endpoint which you can use to send data and receive responses. We provide a chat app on top of that. If you need to integrate specific apps, you can do so easily via the same endpoint.